We are a non-profit organization, hoping to return lost pets to their owners and give a homeless animal a new forever home.
We provide a safe and secure environment to all lost domestic animals in Medicine Hat as well as dogs in Cypress County. Due to space restrictions we may be forced to turn away animals that are not under our area of responsibility.
If you find a stray or injured animal within Medicine Hat during business hours please contact us, Bylaw Service, or visit us on location. We do not recommend handling stray animals yourself, but we will accept domesticated animals brought in by the public.
If you come across a domestic animal that needs veterinary attention within Medicine Hat city limits, instead of taking the animal to the vet yourself, please contact Bylaw Service instead at (403) 529-8436. Injured animals are potentially dangerous as they are also very afraid. Bylaw has the means to assess and transport the animal to the proper facility for treatment if necessary, or to APARC for basic care. We are only capable of providing care to domestic animals.
If you find that your animal is lost, or you find a lost animal please let us know. We update the animals in our shelter daily on both our website and our Facebook page. We want to get these pets back home as soon as possible!
If we receive a description of the animal we will be able to get it home faster.
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