We are the YMCA
We are 300 volunteers and staff working together with more than 10,000 people in Medicine Hat and area who believe in helping children and families reach their full potential. We are a charity dedicated to strengthening the foundations of community.
For over 60 years we’ve cared for kids, shaped leaders for tomorrow and helped generations of people come together to find support, get healthier and make friends for life. We are determined to be a genuine, welcoming, hopeful place that is nurturing and fun. This is the community we want. A community where we share a sense of social responsibility; experience better health in spirit, mind and body; and where children and families can thrive.
We see a better future
We all live in communities that experience profound change and increasing social problems. These problems are not getting smaller or any easier to solve. For some people and families, their needs are critical. Every day is a struggle, and getting out of bed feels impossible, never mind the challenge of having enough food to eat or safe places to go. Others may struggle to find the motivation to make healthy choices and feel disconnected from others and their community.
The Y is a charity designed to meet those needs. We're there for people in times of crisis and we're also in the business of prevention. Prevention isn't glamorous work but for more than 60 years the Y has been playing the long game—helping people reach their potential before issues become problems.
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