Chasing Alberta Gold in Medicine Hat

Food & Drink

Travel the Highway 3 Ale Trail to find Alberta Gold

The extensive available farmland throughout Southern Alberta brings quality hops for micro-brewers in the region, adding a piece of homeland into each brew.

Alberta Gold is that perfect pour straight from the tap, hops harvested by friendly farmers, kegs crafted by community brewers, and beer chugged by vast visitors and rowdy regulars.

Along Highway 3, road trippers can stop into eight local breweries. Each has a story behind the name and an energy in the taproom.

Travel Alberta and founder of From Barrel to Bottle Erik McRitchie visited two Medicine Hat breweries on the Highway 3 Ale Trail.

Find the series below on Travel Alberta's YouTube.

Hell's Basement Brewery

Watch Chasing Alberta Gold at Hell's Basement Brewery here.

Beer lovers Barry and Terry visit Hell's Basement Brewery regularly with their motorcycle crew.

Travois Ale Works

Watch Chasing Alberta Gold at Travois Ale Works here.

Brewery Brady from Travois Ale Works, who moved to Medicine Hat to brew at the downtown taproom.

Plan your next road trip in Southern Alberta with the Highway 3 Ale Trail here.

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