Mountain Bike in Elkwater

An adventure in the rolling hills.

The highest point between the Rocky Mountains and Labrador, Canada is bound to have some sweet biking. The lodgepole pine and aspen forest offers a refuge from the hot, summer days in Medicine Hat. Dive into fast, flowy, and tech trails that have recently been added to Hidden Valley Ski Resort, or explore some rooty, rocky cross-country trails found throughout the rest of the park. 

Book a spot in a Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park campground, and ride right from your campsite! There are new flowy trails near some campsites for anyone to explore!

12-34 Cafe in Elkwater is a great stop for a snack. If you’re looking for a brewery, cafe, bakery, or eatery, Medicine Hat is a short 40-minute drive away!

Curious to learn more about the Elkwater mountain bike trails from someone who rides them? Just ask avid mountain biker Chris Istace!

Find the local bike shops Gravity Sports and Cyclepath

Elkwater to Medicine Hat: Approximately 40 minute drive

Elkwater to Redcliff: Approximately 45 minute drive

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