Gas City Ball Hockey League

Indoor Dryland Recreation

Gas City Ball hockey League (GCBHL) is an organized youth ball hockey league that provides the opportunity for all kids (boys & girls) to play the exciting game of ball hockey. GCBHL was incorporated as a not for profit society in 2012 and operates in Medicine Hat and surrounding areas. GCBHL is governed by the Alberta Minor Ball Hockey Association and the Canada Ball Hockey Association. Our goal is to create a positive atmosphere for our young athletes to play and enjoy the game of ball hockey, to develop self-confidence and a sense of good sportsmanship while improving a player's individual skills. We believe that fair play and equal playing time are essential in developing self confidence in young athletes during the regular spring season. Though the multiple Provincial Championships in various divisions could be considered our league highlights, the true value of a league/sport, such as minor ball hockey, go far beyond accomplishments there is the fun, fitness and friendships that develop; the memories and experiences made possible by the many coaches and volunteers then there is helping build values, character and community with a bit of genuine Canadian culture Ball hockey! Our game is a variation of the sport of ice hockey where the game is played on foot with a specially designed ball in an indoor covered rink facility. This is a NON-CONTACT, officiated sport with similar rules that apply to ice hockey and very similar to road hockey. Our season consists of approximately 18 regular season games with 2-4 playoff games. Our season starts with evaluations in late March / early April and concludes no later than June 30. Each team will typically play 3 games in a 2 week period.  All games are played within Medicine Hat.

Players also have the opportunity to evaluate for our GCBHL Bruiser teams that attend the annual Provincial tournament and possibly the Western Challenge Cup.

221 North Railway Street S.E Medicine Hat, AB T1A 2Y9