Plan your 2025 summer road trip to Medicine Hat during our sunny festival season!
Sleep under the stars with campgrounds and cabins! Whether it be rustic backcountry or comfort camping — Southeast Alberta offers beautiful scenery, relaxing spaces, and full day adventures.
Feel blue skies, a shining sun, and the fresh water breeze while floating the South Saskatchewan River and Seven Persons Creek! Catch the peaceful views and wildlife sightings along the way!
Travel the Highway 3 Ale Trail to find Alberta Gold
A perfect match for Liquid and our love for Bluegrass music!
Rock legends FOREIGNER return with their biggest Canadian tour ever in 2025, joined by 54.40 and Geordie Brown!
Meet Brenda Mercer at the Saamis Tepee to share in storytelling and Indigenous culture.
Sign up for our newsletter to make sure never miss an event in Canada's Sunniest City!
Avec 330 jours d'ensoleillement, Medicine Hat est la ville la plus ensoleillée du Canada.
If you like long sunny summers, lazy rivers, fresh coffee, winning sports teams and pretty scenery, Medicine Hat is worth a look.